Saturday, 12 November 2011

Top 4 reasons why people Ra.One is getting cynical hate

Ra.One has received a lot of negativity and hate nationwide for correct and incorrect reasons. Though we can always debate what makes a reason good or what makes it bad, I'll list down some of the most popular reasons why Ra.One is getting hated by critics. This is purely my assessment, and not copied from anywhere else.

1) They think that bollywood cannot make super hero movies
Yes, i think that is the origin and basic reason of hate. It's that negative prejudice that is fueling this negativity. Bollywood is not good enough to make a movie like 'The Dark Knight' or even 'Transformer'. Hollywood has the technology and a skill to make a super hero movie but bollywood can't. Which means that bollywood shouldn't even try to make a movie of different genre. Well, now if bollywood has made a movie of this genre, then lets see if it matches up to the standards of our favorite movie (or the most famous one) of this genre. Nope, it is not a serious movie, superhero is making spoof of himself, he is not saving the world, oh my god he is dancing, and he can't even fight on his own. This is totally shit movie, and it is also inspired one. Yes, we were right, bollywood can't make a super hero movie and they should stop doing it.

2) They have more knowledge of movies than an average Indian movie watcher because they watch Hollywood movies
Bollywood is all about hero and heroine dancing in the street or around the trees. There is no story, and even if there is any, it's all the same. Hollywood movies have the real stories, their movies shows the reality, their movies are more logical and anyone who watches Hollywood knows what the movie making is about. So, since we have been watching Hollywood movies and we have to suffer bollywood movies sometimes, we can easily make out the issues in bollywood movies. It is so predictable, repetitive and stale, sometimes we want to puke on bollywood movie even when there is no reason to do so. We want a change in Indian cinema, and we want the indian cinema to be of the same quality. By disliking the bollywood movies, we are trying to be bring that change in the mindset of people. We are those agents of change since we know more about movies. It doesn't matter even if we watch those movies on pirated DVDs.

3) They can understand the technical aspects of movie-making
It's not simple to understand but we have managed. We can read it in Wikipedia, and we have read a lot of articles of internet. Now, then since we understand the different aspects of movie like 'screenplay', 'cinematography', etc, then how do we flaunt it. After all, we know more than an average movie goer, so people have to know it. If we just say that movie was boring, etc then people will think that we may not think that we are intelligent. But if we use such heavy words in our review and show our intellect, then people will notice and think highly of us. Now since if we try to use our knowledge on Hollywood movies, then some people are definitely going to question us, who knows may be we'll encounter some more educated one. But, Bollywood movies are easy target, plus there are less people to question our cinematic acumen. We talk about directors more than actors, because that's what is more important in Hollywood movies. Now, has released, and there is a lot of buzz around it, and if we can establish that has got some technical aspects wrong, then we can easily establish ourselves.

4) SRK is in the movie
SRK is going a movie on this genre? what does he know about it? He has done only romantic comedies, and so what if he has spend more than 2 decades on acting? We know more about these movies than SRK. SRK is going to get it totally wrong, also the director is not a known name. He can never touch those heights that Hollywood has achieved.

5) Movie has so much publicity
Any success this movie has got is because of publicity this movie has had. SRK had tried to fool the public, and he is most likely to achieve this target. We are not going to be fall in this trap. So, what if hollywood movies also promote their movies 10-12 month before the release, it doesn't mean that bollywood should do the same. SRK is just playing with people's sentiments. We anyways hate him, so lets get our reviews ready even before the movie is release in the theater. As soon as the movie will be released, we are going to spread this negativity about the movie, and make sure that no one else repeat this mistake.

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